CVP members meet in TWO ways.

Our members connect virtually on our Discord server. It's our virtual clubhouse open 24/7 where CVP members can ask questions, post their latest work and connect with each other. It's our own private chat room, email server and forum all rolled into one.

We also meet in person at various stages and events throughout the year. Make sure to check out our Eventbrite page for tickets and a calendar of upcoming events is below.

Join us on Discord!

The conversation is always happening on Discord.

Join our Discord server by heading to this link:

Once you sign up for a free account head over to the #Read-The-Rules channel on the left and read our community rules and then once you accept them by pressing the button you'll be a member of CVP!

Want to learn about how Discord works?

Watch this short video!

In Person Meetings

These are the up-coming in person events. Click on the event to get information about how to attend.